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Lesson 13: Stewards Are Generous


Stewardship is the wise management of everything God has entrusted us with.


Acts 2:44-45, “44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.”


  1. ALL BELIEVERS WERE TOGETHER: The books of Acts describes the ideal church in which all present churches should aspire too. The first church set the prime example of perfect unity in the cause of Jesus Christ.
  2. SOLD PROPERTY & POSSESSIONS: Notice how the disciples first had to own things such as valuable possessions and extra houses to even be able to sell them to give as offerings. Therefore, they were not all poor or struggling, many were prosperous enough to give generously to God’s people.
  3. GAVE TO ANYONE WHO HAD NEED: The needs of those in the church were met by those who could afford to give generously. Therefore, if everyone is poor, everyone will stay poor. However, if people prosper they can help the needy to be poor no more.


Pray that God will prosper you so you can be generous and help others in need.


  1. Be faithful in giving your tithes (10% of your total income) and offerings (anything you give after your tithes).
  2. Work hard and use wisdom to gain worldly wealth so you can be generous in giving to missions, drug rehabs, community programs, orphanages, and the like.
  3. Once you are prosperous (having enough to meet your needs and able to give generously) teach others how to be prosperous, for it is always better to give a “hand up” than just a “hand out!”


God has called us to be “managers” that are “committed” to stewarding “whatever” “gifts” we have “received” from Him.  We are to be “wise,” “fruitful,” “faithful,” “trustworthy,” “multiplying,” and “shrewd” stewards.  Living “debt free” and “generous” lives providing an “inheritance” for our children and grand children.