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Lesson 3: Disciples Work Hard at Whatever They DO


Stewardship is the wise management of everything God has entrusted us with.

Scripture Reading

Colossians 3:23-24, “23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Main Points

  1. WHATEVER YOU DO: Stewards of Christ are not just hard workers in “spiritual things” but in whatever they do. We should work overtime with our families, jobs, community, friends, and church. People around us should say we are the hardest working and most passionate people they know!
  2. WORKING HARD FOR THE LORD: In everything we do we should ask the question, “Is God pleased with my work?” Ultimately God is our Judge and He reward us when we do things with all our heart- so no short cuts or compromises.
  3. RECEIVING AN INHERITANCE: Your job might be able to help you with your retirement savings account when you work hard, but only God can give you an everlasting inheritance in His eternal Kingdom. So don’t just focus on today’s benefit of hard work but on God’s rewards!


Serve Christ by working hard with all your heart in all you do.


  1. Be faithful in giving your tithes (10% of your total income) and offerings (anything you give after your tithes).
  2. Work hard and be passionate about the things you do in life.
  3. If you should stumble, be quick to repent, and return to the work ethic of heaven!


God has called us to be “managers” that are “committed” to stewarding “whatever” “gifts” we have “received” from Him.  We are to be “wise,” “fruitful,” “faithful,” “trustworthy,” “multiplying,” and “shrewd” stewards.  Living “debt free” and “generous” lives providing an “inheritance” for our children and grand children.