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Lesson 6: Stewards Are To Be Wise


Stewardship is the wise management of everything God has entrusted us with.

Scripture Reading

Luke 14:42-44, “42 The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? 43 It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. 44 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.”

Main Points

  1. STEWARDSHIP PARABLES: Jesus used parables about servants/masters and bosses/employees to teach us that if worldly people are rewarded for good stewardship, how much more will He reward us when we are wise in managing what He has given us.
  2. WISE STEWARDS WORK WHEN THE MASTER IS GONE: Jesus taught that the wise steward is to be obedient and manage all of His possessions while He is in heaven.
  3. PUT IN CHARGE OF ALL HIS POSSESSIONS: Jesus promised in all His stewardship parables that the wise manager will always be rewarded with more of heaven’s treasures!


Be a wise steward with everything God has given you by keeping Jesus’ commands.


  1. Be faithful in giving your tithes (10% of your total income) and offerings (anything you give after your tithes).
  2. Listen and obey Jesus’ instructions concerning your finances.
  3. Be a wise steward that can be rewarded with more of Jesus’ possessions.


God has called us to be “managers” that are “committed” to stewarding “whatever” “gifts” we have “received” from Him.  We are to be “wise,” “fruitful,” “faithful,” “trustworthy,” “multiplying,” and “shrewd” stewards.  Living “debt free” and “generous” lives providing an “inheritance” for our children and grand children.